Dear GMB Member,
Your union is holding an election for General Secretary & Treasurer. There are three candidates: Rehana Azam, Giovanna Holt and Gary Smith
Election of General Secretary & Treasurer 2021 | GMB
Everyone in membership of GMB on 31 March 2021 is entitled to vote in this important election.
The General Secretary & Treasurer is the senior full-time officer in GMB, responsible to the Central Executive Council, and is responsible for managing the union and delivering our policies. This election will have a big impact on the future of your great union and on our ability to work for you.
The law prevents us from using internet voting, so everything must be done by post. Ballot papers will reach you at your home address by Wednesday 12 May 2021 from the independent scrutineer, Civica.
Please look out for your ballot, use it to vote and pop it back in the post.
If you do not receive your ballot paper by Thursday 13 May 2021, contact your Regional Office.
Your union’s Central Executive Council urges you to exercise your right to vote in this important election for your next General Secretary & Treasurer.
In solidarity,
Barbara Plant
National President